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الخميس، 29 يونيو 2017

برنامج تحويل صورتك لكارتون Cartoon Photo Editor APK

يمكنك هذا البرنامج من تحويل صورتك لرسم كارتون
فى دقيقة واحدة ستحول صورتك الشخصية لرسم بالايد او رسم رصاص او كارتون كما تحب 
مع بعض الامكانيات الاضافية ستتعر عليها فى البرنامج نفسى

Cartoon Photo Editor icon

برنامج تحويل صورتك لكارتون Cartoon Photo Editor APK


Cartoon Photo Editor apk screenshot

Cartoon Photo Editor poster  Cartoon Photo Editor apk screenshot

Cartoon Photo Editor Application will allow you to turn your pictures into artwork,you can use a lot of filters to edit your photo and extract it into a cartoon imageOne of the most impressive free Editor camera applications! Apply cool and artistic effects to new or existing photos. Transform your photos to cartoons, sketches, oil paintings, pencil drawings and a lot more. See a "different world" through the lenses of your camera.you can turn your photo into a drawing by hand or a colorfull artdraw your pictures in a differents wayshow to use :importe images from gallery or take a new picture using phone cameraapply tha drawing filter you likesave you draw photo into your galleryCartoon Photo Editor will give you the possibility to share your cartoon photo with your friends trough the social media networksCartoon Photo Editor produces photo results comparable to the Prisma app. But in contrast to Prisma the results are produced in real time. There is no need Internet to apply filters i.e, Offline filters, You can also live camera preview and you can record videos with effects or Edit your videos from Gallery editor.if you like Cartoon Photo Editor Filters and how it can draw you picture please leave a commentEnjoy

The description of Cartoon Photo Editor

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