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الأربعاء، 10 يناير 2018

Great Fountain Geyser -- نوافير المياة الساخنة

Along Yellowstone National Park’s Firehole Lake Road, you’ll find the Great Fountain Geyser, a famous Yellowstone Park geyser and the only one you can view from your car.

What can I see and do at the Great Fountain Geyser
  • The Great Fountain Geyser, along the Firehole Lake Drive in Yellowstone National Park, erupts 75-150 feet into the air, sometimes reaching heights of 200 feet. If you are lucky enough to witness an eruption, you’ll see a dazzling display of nature’s power. It is a fountain-type geyser, the most popular of its kind in the park. It erupts through a pool of water in a series of bursts. Intervals between eruptions range from 8 to 15 hours, thus it’s wise to visit the Old Faithful Visitor Center where you can find the predicted times for eruption. It can usually be predicted within an hour or two of eruption and the eruption can last up to an hour.
  • Firehole Lake Drive - There are a number of attractions along the Firehole Lake Drive including Surprise Pool, White Dome Geyser, and Steady Geyser.
  • Firehole Lake - It's the largest hot spring around at about 158°F.
  • Fountain Paint Pot Nature Trail - A .5 mile trail gets visitors up close to geothermal features like the Fountain Paint Pots and a few geysers. Interpretive signs lead the way.
The Great Fountain Geyser is located on Lake Firehole Drive in Yellowstone Park between Old Faithful and the Norris Geyser Basin, in the Lower Geyser Basin.

Witness an impressive display of water spouting up to 100 feet or more in the air.
Close to Old Faithful and easily accessible. 
View Great Fountain Geyser from your car if the weather is inclement. 
Find out what times it is predicted to erupt so you can plan your visit.

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